Kindred of Arkadia 8

  Fated Redemption

  Moe Jones, aka Mojo, has finally found his mate, but it is going to take every ounce of his strength and a little help from Fate to help Rhys down the road of recovery.

  Rhys was forced to drink shifter blood for months and is slowly recovering from the addiction. He is scared to claim his shifter mate for fear that he will lose control and kill him. How can he claim his mate if he can't drink his blood?

  Abigail Wright is in Arkadia on a search to find her best friend from college after an alarming Christmas card. She wasn’t planning on finding her mates, especially two such delicious ones.

  Abby finds herself protecting the heart of her gentle giant shifter mate and guiding the steps of her older vampire mate. Together all three discover that they need each other desperately.

  When an old enemy targets Rhys, the new triad faces the possibility that they may lose Rhys forever. It will take Moe’s physical strength, Abby’s infallible willpower and Rhys’s indomitable spirit to defeat their enemy.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Shape-shifter, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 44,835 words


  Kindred of Arkadia 8

  Alanea Alder


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour


  Copyright © 2014 by Alanea Alder

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62741-994-9

  First E-book Publication: July 2014

  Cover design by Harris Channing

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  To every person who wakes up to fight an internal battle daily. May you find your inner peace.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13


  About the Author


  Kindred of Arkadia 8


  Copyright © 2014


  “I need you to go to Arkadia and determine if Fate intervened for Rhys’s sake or Rebecca’s.” The gentleman studied the chessboard in front of him.

  “Sir, how are we supposed to do that?” the wolf beta asked. Beside him the lawyer started edging away as if sensing impending pain.

  The gentleman turned to the wolf.

  “Oh dear, you’re not too bright, are you? Are you sure you want to claim this one as family, Devon?” The wolf Alpha stared at the floor, too scared to move or respond. Devon turned his face away unable to meet the gentleman’s eyes.

  “I’m actually in a good mood today and don’t feel like having blood cleaned up in my office…again. So, it is your lucky day, pup. The answer to your question is, I don’t care. Push Rhys into a relapse, threaten his mate, do whatever you have to do to see if Fate steps in to assist Rhys. If not, then she was responding to Rebecca’s desire to protect her friend, and that is something I need to know.” He walked back over to his chess game and began to stroke the small ivory pieces.

  “If we get caught we could get banned from Arkadia,” Salsiby said hesitantly.

  “True.” The gentleman sang out the one-word response.

  There was silence as they stared at him. Heaving a great sigh, he turned from his game and leveled a cold look at them. They flinched.

  “Are you waiting for a kiss good-bye? Because I can accommodate you.” The gentleman smiled, revealing his elongated fangs. The three men scrambled and left the office at a run.


  The man stepped forward from where he had been leaning against the wall.

  “Fetch the smart hyena I liked from before, the one who used that boy to breech the perimeter. I have a feeling my little wolf pups won’t be assisting us much longer.”

  Payne nodded and left the room.

  Grinning, the gentleman turned back to the chessboard. He knocked over three pawns.

  “Sacrifices are required to obtain the queen.”

  Chapter 1

  Moe Jones stood on the wide wooden planks outside of his bar and watched as vampire after vampire streamed by carrying boxes that held his mate’s things up to the third-floor apartment. His mate stood off to one side absently rubbing his hands up and down his arms in what Moe had come to identify as his nervous gesture. He knew that his mate was still uneasy about moving in, but they had come a long way in the past month. Rhys was the one who had told Moe that he was ready to move in and take his place beside him as his mate. At first Moe had been ecstatic, but watching Rhys this mo
rning gave him doubts. Rhys was definitely pushing himself beyond his safe zone in an effort to be a better mate. Moe was worried that maybe they were moving things too quickly for him.

  “He is doing much better,” a regal voice said to his left. Moe quickly turned to where the vampire prince now stood. Moe was beginning to think that the prince liked scaring the hell out of him.

  “He’s still addicted to shifter blood,” Moe said quietly.

  Gabriel stared at Rhys for a second longer then turned his brilliant blue eyes to him. Moe could almost feel the weight of the ages pressing down on him when the prince looked at him like this.

  “He may always be addicted. The Shifter Council has him on a probationary status. No other has ever fought their way back from madness after consuming Shifted Death. This may be something that you will have to live with for the rest of your lives. He may always experience mood swings and anxiety. It may always be a roller coaster with him. Are you prepared for that?”

  “You don’t have to explain withdrawal symptoms to me. All I’ve been doing for the past month has been reading about dealing with addiction, withdrawal and how to avoid relapses. I will do whatever it takes, be whatever he needs to get him through this. He is my miracle.” Moe couldn’t keep the emotion out of his voice. Gabriel placed a hand on his shoulder.

  “Maybe Fate knew what she was doing after all. I had my doubts at Christmas. But he may need every ounce of your strength to overcome this.” Gabriel patted his shoulder lightly and let his hand drop.

  “You know that Alpha Devon has been pressuring the Council to rule that Rhys is still a danger?”